Boeing Qantas’ last ever 747 flight bids farewell by drawing a giant kangaroo in the sky Matthew Beedham 4 years ago
Apple World’s top companies, including Apple, borrowed $1 trillion in just five months David Canellis 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence The US Navy is developing AI-powered submarines that could kill autonomously Thomas Macaulay 4 years ago
NASA NASA charged taxpayers $5M for SpaceX safety review after Elon Musk got high Tristan Greene 4 years ago
Microsoft Full moon patents: Self-repairing windshields and anti-jet lag headsets Dhiraj Jindal 5 years ago
NASA The Moonprentice: Newt Gingrich wants ‘reality show’ contest with Musk and Bezos to colonize Luna Tristan Greene 5 years ago
Future Flying cars could cut emissions, replace planes, and reduce traffic – but not soon enough The Conversation 5 years ago