Office Hours on the future of work with Google

Friday, September 24, 2021

Office Hours on the future of work with Google

Finding the right knowledge to grow your startup is hard and time-intensive. To help you grow your business, we invite experts to share their expertise with our community. Office hours bring you the knowledge and insights to operate more effectively by learning from the best. In these one-on-one sessions, you can ask for advice on any challenges you’ve been facing.

The past year has made all of us question how we live and work, and challenged us to find new ways to thrive as individuals and teams. As the world is slowly starting to open up, we are presented with a unique opportunity; the time is not to 'go back to how things were' but to rethink how we work and how to get the most out of our days.

 In this Office Hours, hosted by Roland Grootenboer People Operations at Google, you'll have the chance to discuss all of your questions and struggles surrounding the future of work. Talk things through in your own private 20 minute session with Roland.

Example topics to discuss include:

  • What to do when colleagues want to work fully remote
  • Do we still need an office and what's the upside from working IRL
  • How do we navigate all the various needs from colleagues, which can be contradicting
  • What did we learn during the pandemic about productivity and focus that we can use in the future
  • How do we maintain a healthy working culture in this changed work environment
  • What can you do to make your people resilient and guard their mental health
  • How to do fair and equitable performance reviews when people are remote

Sign up for a slot and we'll see you on 24th September!


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