This article was published on April 10, 2017

Twitter now has branded hearts for Periscope

Twitter now has branded hearts for Periscope

Twitter today announced it would begin offering brands customized hearts for use in Periscope. Now, whenever someone wants to spam a reaction while watching a broadcast, they can choose something whimsically appropriate for the occasion.

A custom heart popped up in the live broadcast of the Fate of the Furious premiere, where a small “F8” symbol popped up on the side of the broadcast.

If this trend holds steady, we could see a heart that looks like Star-Lord’s mask when that movie comes out next month.

It’s worth noting that “hearts” don’t have to look like hearts. They can look like anything, so brands should take full advantage. Hmm, Wonder Woman comes out in a few months. Maybe a lasso for that occasion? Or a big “W?”

Lots of food companies like Coca-Cola use Periscope for their brand campaigns. Why not fizzy bubbles for a Coke broadcast? I could go on for hours!

Personally, I’m more interested to see what custom stars would have looked like, but that’ll never happen since, you know, Twitter replaced them.

via TechCrunch

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