This article was published on December 23, 2010

Richard Branson is giving away free Project iPad magazines this Christmas!

Richard Branson is giving away free Project iPad magazines this Christmas!

Remember when Richard Branson cabbed around New York in a black pullover hoodie and placed USB dead drops and paper mache mannequins in various spots of the City? It was his way of saying, “I want you to be a part of Project! My new iPad magazine!”

That is why Sir Richard Branson is my favorite billionaire. In case you need further clarification, read the article I wrote about Project’s launch and call for talent here or watch the video below.

Today, Virgin announced the winner of this competition to design the front cover of their crowd-sourced issue planned for early next year – you can see the winning video here. TRON fans, look for the ‘error’ in the video.


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The video was made using Photoshop and Motion, by a design psychology consultant and author known on YouTube as “The Motivated Life.”

Secondly, with the iPad set to be one of the top gifts this holiday season, some of Virgin’s key partners are sponsoring Project as a festive gift. Courtesy of Virgin America,, Virgin Blue and Virgin Mobile Canada, issue 1 will be free to all people downloading it between the 23rd and 29th of December. Download your free copy of Project here. Issue 2 will hit the app store on January 7th, 2010.

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