This article was published on March 5, 2010

Dilemma: What do you ask a guy like Richard Branson?

Dilemma: What do you ask a guy like Richard Branson?

Occasionally we all ask ourselves, “oh, if I ever get the chance to meet this person I’d walk up to him/her and say ” and by the time your dream comes true you’re standing there with your mouth open gazing at your hero and the only thing you can think of saying is: “Hi..I’m a big fan”.

Well if there is one entrepreneur you’d be hard pressed not to respect, it’s Sir Richard Branson. I have no clue how he did it, but he has reportedly founded eight “billion dollar” companies in eight different sectors. WHAT? I’ll repeat, eight billion dollar companies in eight different sectors.

So here I am with the following task, I have to ask Sir Richard a question, and he is actually going to answer it during an interview (you can submit your own question as well). OK, so there are so many things I’d like to ask him, I made a list (also thanks to @zee, @ron_belt @m4tt @patrickboonstra ) :

– Heineken or Bud?
– Do you make a decent business plan when you start a new company?
– What is your biggest regret?
– What do you consider as your biggest career achievement?
– What is the most expensive useless item you have bought?
– Is it really you who updates your twitter?
– Would you like to speak at The Next Web Conference?
– What piece of advice do you feel has most influenced your life and career?
– How come you haven’t invested in any “internet” startups – or at least a fund of some sort?
– Is there an industry you would still love to conquer (aside from space)?
– What is the most expensive useless item you have bought?
– What is the reason why you haven’t invited me and my friends to one of your private islands?


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Now a question for you, my dear reader, which question should I ask him? (pick one of these or add your own in the comments)


P.S. I got to be thankful to Federated Media and Webex for giving me this opportunity and putting this event together. I’ll be watching the live stream when Sir Richard answers the question (feel free to tune in as well)

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